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University of Sunderland – UK On-Campus students (Sunderland & London)

The University has a duty of care to our student community. This is supported by our University Policies and Regulations within our legal framework of duty of care. This is informed by both the adult status of our students and the need to take reasonable steps to provide a safe, secure environment that supports positive wellbeing and good mental health for students who live and work in a shared community. The University should provide information, guidance and support for students so that they can make informed choices to shape their actions. The particular care of students who are minors is addressed via specific policy under Safeguarding.

The University will always take reasonable steps to support students in difficulty but recognises a shared responsibility between student and University to assure both personal wellbeing and safety. The University recognises both the proportionate capacity of its Support Services and the role of wider NHS statutory services in the immediate and on-going support of our students.

University of Sunderland – off-campus students – UK and Overseas

The University has a duty of care to our student community. This is supported by our University Policies and Regulations within our legal framework of duty of care. This is informed by both the adult status of our students and the need to provide a safe, secure environment which supports positive Wellbeing and good Mental Health for students.

The University requires Partner Centres to provide appropriate student support for our students in their local context. The University has a responsibility to ensure that this support is in place via its established QA procedures.