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Sports: Team Sunderland

Home / Post-Graduate Research Student Handbook / Student Life / Sports: Team Sunderland

Team Sunderland is the University of Sunderland’s sport provision. We offer opportunities for you to get involved in sport through a number of different ways during your time at university. Firstly our BUCS provision allows you to compete for a variety of teams or as individuals in a range of different sports which can be found here.

Our BUCS memberships are heavily subsidised to encourage students of all different experiences and abilities to join a team. We also have an Elite Athlete Scheme for high performing athletes to support them with funding throughout their time with Team Sunderland.

In addition to competitive sport our US Active scheme is aimed at getting you active and improving your wellbeing through outdoor activity. Our team puts on FREE activities including walking, mountain biking and water sports to support you.

We also have a volunteer scheme which allows you to gain experience in sport through volunteering and personal development.


The University has a dedicated team of exercise professionals who can help you achieve your fitness and wellness goals. Our digital solutions combine the offering inside the University’s CitySpace fitness facilities with an at-home remote service for our students. Registering with us will give you access to our free Wellness App. This will allow you to contact the personal trainer, who will be assigned to you to provide one to one fitness and wellness support. The App gives you the capability to track, measure and monitor your exercise activity and can even pair with other fitness tracking devices such as Garmin, Strava, Polar, etc. You’ll also discover workout tips, challenges to help encourage and motivate you and links to our YouTube channel containing exercise and workout videos, as well as the online group exercise programme. To register free, set up an account here. Then download the MyWellness App to login and start.

Our facilities include a state-of-the-art fitness facility with dedicated strength and conditioning area,

group exercise studio and programme, climbing wall, 6 badminton courts sized sports hall and café with a licensed bar. In addition, we have our MUGA on St. Peter’s Campus which is accessible to students and equipped with goals, basketball/netball hoops and can also be used for tennis.


Team Sunderland have produced a number of videos from our teams to find out how you can get involved with specific teams in 2020, these can be found here.

Our staff are available to chat via social media or email. Message @team_sunderland on Instagram or Twitter or @uosteamsunderland on Facebook and we can point you in the direction of the member of our team who can best answer your query. To apply for our Elite Athlete Scheme follow this link. We have also produced this video to show how you apply here. Finally, the service presentation can be found on this link.

To find out more from the CitySpace team follow their social media.

Facebook: @uoscityspace

Instagram: @cityspace_uni_sunderland All their workout and how to join videos can be found here. Including a tour of the facility here. We hope this has been helpful if you have any further questions email us at team@sunderland.ac.uk for all Team Sunderland enquiries or cityspaceenquiries@sunderland.ac.uk for any CitySpace queries.