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Enrolment Policy

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All students wishing to study at the University of Sunderland are required to enrol before commencing their course.  Students will receive an email inviting them to enrol via e-Vision and instructions for how to complete the online enrolment task.  This policy applies to all students whether in country or overseas, and enrolment must be completed for each academic year of study. The policy describes the enrolment process, how and when students will be contacted, as well as how their data is captured and used.  The repercussions of late enrolment and failure to enrol are also outlined. For Sunderland Online students the invoicing outlined in the policy does not apply, as Sunderland Online students pay for each module in advance to enable them to register for the module. Sunderland Online students can also pay for all modules up front. Sunderland Online students who do not complete their annual programme enrolment will not be permitted to register for further modules. The policy is available here.