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Student behaviour, misconduct and discipline

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All students give an undertaking at enrolment to abide by the rules and regulations of the University, including those relating to conduct and discipline. The Student Conduct Policy outlines what the University considers to be acceptable conduct on the part of students, and the Student Disciplinary Procedure outlines the processes which exist for dealing with allegations of breaches of that Policy, and the penalties which misconduct can lead to, which can range from warnings through to expulsion from the University.

The University will not tolerate sexual, homophobic, racial, physical or other harassment, or behaviour which causes fear or distress to others; threatening, abusive, disorderly or unreasonable behaviour; behaviour which contravenes the University’s principles of dignity and respect or is a form of harassment or bullying, or which creates a hostile environment for another, including via the use of social media.

Students who face allegations of misconduct may obtain independent advice and support from the Students’ Union.

The University’s ‘Stay Safe’ resources enable you to report inappropriate behaviour and we are committed to helping you stay safe and making sure that you can find help quickly, when you need it.

If you ever experience or witness sexual violenceaggressionhate crime or harassment – the University’s support services are here for you and will always listen seriously and impartially to your concerns. We can offer you guidance on further support and options so you can progress your report including both via the Police and/or the University.

If in doubt – report it! The Stay Safe pages link you to a reporting tool.

If you feel that a student has behaved in a way which breaches these Regulations in other respects, and you wish to raise this, please seek advice from Academic Registry who will direct you to the appropriate senior staff within Faculty or Service who can progress your case.

Contact the Head of Student Casework on +44 (0) 191 5152941 or at fiona.jackson@sunderland.ac.uk