University Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy – the University publishes guidance on how to properly reference your work, and how to avoid plagiarism (“the unacknowledged insertion into a student’s work of material taken from the work, published or unpublished, of another person”) in Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct – A Guide. You should read this carefully to ensure that you understand what plagiarism is, and how to avoid it.
Where the University suspects that a student has plagiarised work, or where it is suspected that a student has cheated or otherwise infringed the University’s assessment regulations, the case is dealt with under the Academic Misconduct Regulations. Depending on the severity of the case, this may be dealt with by a module leader, or may go to the University’s Academic Misconduct Panel, which determines whether an infringement has taken place, and recommends a penalty to the Assessment Board. Penalties can include failure of the assessment, having to repeat the module, or in serious cases of academic misconduct, having to leave the University.