The University has a procedure to deal with events which affect your work but which are not predictable and are beyond your control, for example, illness, either by short term extension or by other measures such as deferral of a piece of work (allowing you to submit it at a later assessment point).
View the Extenuating Circumstances Policy here
Important Note: You should note that the policy (like that of many universities) takes the view that by sitting an examination or handing in an assessment, a student has deemed them self fit, and no subsequent claim for extenuating circumstances will be considered. Deadlines will be published for the submission of such claims prior to the assessment and it is important that you are aware that such claims must be made by the deadline, as after it has passed a claim will not be considered unless there are very exceptional circumstances, which could form the basis of an academic appeal.
Supporting evidence is likely to be documentation from a professional (Doctor, Counselor, member of the University’s Student Well-being Services, Disability Support Adviser)
Guidance and forms can be obtained here. For advice and guidance on the process, please submit an enquiry on Compass or alternatively visit the Gateway Enquiry Desk:
City Campus – Ground Floor, Gateway Building
Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter’s – Upper Floor, Prospect Building
Telephone: +44 (0)191 515 2222
University of Sunderland in London –
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7531 7333