Research Supervision Process Student Guide
Meetings with your supervisory team is one of the most important components of your research degree programme. These should be held monthly. If regular meetings do not take place this will affect your progress and can result in withdrawal from the programme. It is essential therefore that you attend the meetings and prepare any work agreed between yourself and the supervisory team for the meeting.
If you are unable to attend your supervisory meeting, then you must have good reasons for doing so, for example illness. You should inform your Director of Studies by email prior to the meeting taking place, providing reasons why you cannot attend. The meeting date should be re-arranged as quickly as possible.
It is the University’s responsibility as a sponsor of International students, to ensure that students regularly attend supervisory meetings on campus. Non-attendance at one formal monthly supervisory meeting without reason will be investigated and may result in the UK Visas and Immigration being informed of your absence. Non-attendance at three consecutive supervisory meetings may result in withdrawal from the programme. As part of your visa conditions you must demonstrate continuous engagement with your course. Here, at the University of Sunderland we require you to attend a face-to-face supervision sessions with your supervisor.
Your Supervisory Team
The contact details of your supervisory team are provided in your offer letter. Your supervisory team will include: