In today’s competitive job market, employers are more likely to recruit graduates who have gained work experience alongside their studies and the experience and skills you gain can boost your CV and future job applications.
The Centre for Graduate Prospects team can advertise part-time student jobs, vacation work, volunteering and other work opportunities in person at one of our Employability and Enterprise Hubs in the Gateway (City Campus), Prospect Building (St Peters Campus) or online via: go.sunderland.ac.uk/hub.
Part-time Jobs: If you’re in need of extra cash you can consider working while studying. As well as boosting your finances, a part-time job can help you develop skills and experience which you can demonstrate to employers.
Volunteering: is a great way to give back to good causes and make a positive contribution to society. It can be personally rewarding and enhances your CV, and also offers you an invaluable opportunity to gain the skills needed to pursue certain career options.
Campus Jobs: If you are looking for work that you do alongside your studies that is based on campus, please register your interest at go.sunderland.ac.uk/campusjobs.
Student Jobs and Volunteering Fair: This event takes place in October and is the perfect place to meet employers and find out about opportunities to gain experience and earn money.
We recommend that you work no more than 16 to 20 hours per week during term-time and avoid taking on employment that could have an adverse effect on your academic work. Talk to a member of our team if you’re not sure.